Kreepy Kreepy Kruiser features many design elements shared by the most popular suction-side cleaner in history, the Kreepy Krauly Classic. Then we added performance features to make Kreepy Krauly Kruiser relentless in its pursuit of dirt and debris, while keeping it affordable and sensationally dependable.
The highly reliable and dependable Kreepy Krauly Kruiser inground pool cleaner now offers even greater power for more cleaning coverage than ever before. Kreepy Krauly Kruiser features silent flapper design which creates kinetic energy, that powers the Kruiser around your swimming pool. The powerful vacuum action and extra-wide mouth capture large and small debris for spotless cleaning.
Kreepy Krauly Kruiser Features:
- Silent flapper design creates kinetic energy to power the Kruiser around the pool.
- Powerful vacuum action and extra-wide capture large and small debris for spotless cleaning.
- Superior design and built-in bumper help Kruiser maneuver around obstacles for uninterrupted performance and total cleaning coverage.
- Simple design for long, dependable life - silent flapper is the only moving part - no bags or compartments to empty, wheels or gears to jam or diaphragms to replace.
- Built-in bumper assures free movement around steps and ladders for total cleaning coverage and uninterrupted, hands-free operation.
- Superior seal design includes specially engineered slits and "fingers" to assure the unit won 't get stuck or thrown off course by main drains, tight corners, eyeball fittings, and lights.
- No expensive booster pump to buy or operatesaving you money and energy.
- Adjustable regulator valve and free flow gauge let you set just the right speed for the most effective cleaning possible.
- Installs in minutes - no tools required.
- Connects to your skimmer or vacuum line fitting in minutes without tools.
The new Pentair Kreepy Krauly Kruiser pool cleaner is the ultimate in carefree operation. It comes fully assembled. Just add the seal and connect the hoses. No tools required and youre on Kruise control in minutes. It even comes with a free flow gauge and adjustable speed control to ensure optimum performance.
Also, consider these other note-worthy features:
- No bags or compartments to empty or replace dirt and debris go right to your filtration equipment where it belongs.
- No wheels or gears to jam or diaphragms to replace.
- No expensive booster pump to buy and operate it uses your pools existing filtration system.
- All parts are UV stable and chemical resistant for years of dependable service.
- Sleek, compact design increases maneuverability for best cleaning performance.
- Two-year limited warranty. See warranty for details.